The KZ750L3 Page

83 Brochure front

This bike was really a 1982 GPz 750 (KZ750R) with different body work and instrumentation. Also gone were the clipons and the fairing. I purchased mine in the summer of 83 at Temple Suzuki, which was located in Temple Texas. I was stationed at Fort Hood (Killeen) at the time. I've kept the bike since it was new. Over the years I managed to do quite a bit of damage to the body work. Currently, its dressed as an 82 GPz 750. The bodywork from that year is easier to find. So the winter project now is putting in an 810 kit and then completing the body work switch

11/27/05 GOOD NEWS, She runs again, here's a 16MB quicktime movie of the first run

07/31/08 Back in Black! Paint done by Kirk at Toxic Color

Mark's Drag run Sound Clip

New European (Canadian Brochure)

10 Minute clip of 1983 Willow Springs Race (80Mb divx codec)

Test and Reviews
The Bible (aka the shop manual) and wiring diagrams
Pit Cam Footage!
Parts Diagrams (aka scanned fiches)
New Gauges!

The Gpz/KZ owners club stuff

1977 KZ 650 Drag bike article from Scott

1980 KZ 750E Review from Scott

Check out Matt's, AKA Shift123, latest Mods

Check out Matt's first movie (the drop), Huge 250MB

Check out Matt's first movie (the drop), Smaller 9MB

Scott Stierheim's Plastic

Steve Darlington's Part's List (gpz stuff for sale)

Steve Darlington's KZ1000J Pic 1

Steve Darlington's KZ1000J Pic 2

Fish River Island SNMP